Queen At Arms – First Edition Q2 2015

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In case you’ve missed our previous announcements, Queen At Arms is scheduled for release by the end of the current quarter, which means it will be available sometime within the next month!

Because the first release of the game will not include the bonus content from the Kickstarter, the team is currently considering postponing our Steam release. However, the First Edition will definitely be made available, DRM-free, on an alternative platform, such as itch.io or the Humble widget. Players who purchase the game on an alternate platform will be notified by e-mail and provided with Steam keys for the game, when they are made available. We will be able to let you know more about the status of Steam availability closer to launch.

As of now, the content for Queen At Arms: First Edition will include:

  • All four chapters of the game
  • Four romanceable characters – Prince Alastor, Archmagus Rubus, Prelate Lucius, and Captain Lorimette

Extra content available in Queen At Arms: Complete Edition will include:

  • Bonus scenes and content
  • Three romanceable characters – Mechanist James*, Spymaster Fox, and a secret character

(*We are gunning for inclusion of James as a romanceable option for the First Edition as well.)

All those who backed our Kickstarter for either release of the game will be receiving download links for the First Edition when it is made available. Those who backed for the formerly titled “Deluxe Edition” will receive the Complete Edition when it is made available. Backers of only the “Standard Edition” will be able to upgrade to complete for a small fee.

Thanks so much to everyone for your continued support. We hope that you all enjoy the Q@A experience!